Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Australian Citizenship by Decent - Why you are better off using a registered migration agent

Australian Citizenship by Decent is considered one of the easiest applications to lodge with Australian Immigration.  As long as one of the parents was an Australian citizen at the time of the birth of the child then eventual approval is guaranteed.

In many situations lodgement and approval will be like a walk in the park.  In other cases, especial in countries considered to have a high level of fraud (like the Philippines), the process can be much longer and drawn out.

If there is any doubt, additional "proof" my be request and this may include DNA testing done at a lab designated by the department of immigration.  The testing is expensive and add to that travel and accommodation and the exercise is no longer something you could describe as easy.

Using a registered migration agent can reduce the likelihood of additional proof being requested because they are familiar with all the requirements and know what the department of immigration is looking for.

I am going through the process now with Down Under Visa for my two children and they have asked me to provide things which are not requested on the application form and guidelines.

The idea is to prepare an application that will be accepted on the first submission and avoid the likelihood of requests for additional "proof".

This can save a lot of time and even money.  The real cost of having to provide additional "proof" may exceed the small fee you pay a migration agent.

To summaries why you can be better using a migration agent:

- reduce the likelihood of being requested to provide more "proof"
- save yourself a lot of hassle and stress (of having to deal with immigration directly)
- expedite the process by increasing the chances of the application being accepted on the first submission.

Watch the video for more information.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Starting the process of Australian Citizenship by Decent

I have been residing in the Philippines for ten years and eight years ago I met Vanessa.  We have been together ever since.

We have two beautiful children and as the oldest is already five I realise that its time to give them a future and have been preparing the paperwork for their Australian citizenship.

The objective being to bring them to Australia for this critical time in their education.